
Free Download Books Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)

Free Download Books Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)
Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1) Hardcover | Pages: 308 pages
Rating: 4 | 105206 Users | 3498 Reviews

Define Epithetical Books Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)

Title:Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)
Author:Ira Levin
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 308 pages
Published:September 1st 1997 by Signet (first published March 12th 1967)
Categories:Horror. Fiction. Classics. Thriller. Mystery. Fantasy. Paranormal

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”She opened her eyes and looked into yellow furnace-eyes, smelled sulphur and tannis root, felt wet breath on her mouth, heard lust-grunts and the breathing of onlookers.” Nightmare? Passionate dream? Real? How could it be real? It can’t possibly be real.  photo rosemarysbaby_zpsxdtqp8se.jpg Rosemary Woodhouse wants a baby. She is married to an actor named Guy. They have recently broken another lease to take an apartment in the exclusive Bramford Building. Guy, who glibly uses his acting skills to spin stories, has no difficulty extracting them from the first lease to take the open apartment in the Bramford. After all, that is what Rosemary wants. Whenever any of us look back on our lives, we can usually point to a specific moment in time when we made one decision that sent us down a pathway that led us, hopefully, only briefly, astray from the pursuit of happiness. None of us, or maybe I should say few of us, can see the future. We have to make our best guess, hopefully based on more logic than a hope of luck. The apartment at the Bramford had more Gothic overtones, detailed woodwork, and certainly a more interesting location than the other apartments the Woodhouses had looked at. Although smaller than some of the other places, having a hip apartment, especially to young pseudo-intellectuals, is much more important than a few extra square feet of space. They should have kept the first lease on the other apartment. I can’t help but think of Bram Stoker every time the Bramford name dances before my eyes on the pages of this book. Strange things have routinely happened in this apartment building. Unexplained, sometimes brutal, deaths have occurred too frequently to be ignored, especially if you are an inquisitive man, such as Rosemary’s dear friend Edward Hutchins. He, on further investigation, finds that there are far more sinister stories surrounding the history of that building than are known by the general public. He discourages Rosemary from continuing to live there, but she is a rational, modern woman who doesn’t believe that a building can have sinister connotations.
 photo Dakota_zpsdijghawi.jpg Polanski used the Dakota for the outside shots of the Bramwell building.
She might ignore the past and the warnings that come with it, but she does feel flutters of unease that are based more on what can easily be quantified as primordial superstition than on any real basis of fact. Coincidences do happen and can seem ominous or alarming to someone who is already hearing the tap tap tap of paranoia on the door of reason. Their next door neighbors are Roman and Minnie Castevet, who seem to be a well meaning, overly friendly, almost smothering, older couple. They are delighted to hear the news when Rosemary is pregnant. They suggest a more fashionable obstetrician and even a different regimen of vitamin enriched drinks than what her previous doctor had recommended. Rosemary goes along because Guy is so insistent, but the longer it goes on, the more suspicious she becomes of everyone’s motives. Run, Rosemary, run! I’ve been wanting to read this book for years. I’ve put off watching the famous movie by Roman Polanski because I wanted to read the book first. The story has become such a classic icon that people know the bare bones of the story without ever having read the book or seen the movie. The pacing of the book is simply a superb example of a writer who knows how to build tension and unease. By the time Rosemary is approaching the bassinet to see her baby for the first time, I was biting my knuckles, and the hackles on the back of my neck were not only raised but vibrating. I know what she is going to see, but until I read the words, I can hold off fully realizing the implications.  photo Rosemarys20Baby_zps99ijzckj.jpg I loved the fact that Rosemary is a reader. Two books that were mentioned that stand out were Flight of the Falcon by Daphne Du Maurier and The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. I love it when books are part of the lives of the characters I read about. I’m a huge fan of Du Maurier and plan to read Rosemary’s choice soon. I was even more impressed by her taking on Gibbon. I have six volumes of Gibbon staring me in the face every time I pick my next book to read. Yes, yes, I will read Gibbon. I must read Gibbon to call myself a reasonably educated man. Rosemary’s Baby was published in 1967, the year of my birth, and has held up superbly, certainly much better than I have. It is a quick, flashy read that will give chills and thrills to all but the most jaded modern reader. If you wish to see more of my most recent book and movie reviews, visit I also have a Facebook blogger page at:

Be Specific About Books As Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)

Original Title: Rosemary's Baby
ISBN: 0451194004 (ISBN13: 9780451194008)
Edition Language: English
Series: Rosemary's Baby #1, Βιβλιοθήκη του Τρόμου #27
Characters: Rosemary Woodhouse, Guy Woodhouse, Minnie Castevet, Roman Castevet
Setting: New York City, New York(United States) Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York(United States)
Literary Awards: Edgar Award Nominee for Best Novel (1968)

Rating Epithetical Books Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)
Ratings: 4 From 105206 Users | 3498 Reviews

Weigh Up Epithetical Books Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Baby #1)
Rosemary is pregnant.Rosemarys Baby, by Ira Levin, is a wonderful novel! It begins slow, but then as the clues pile on, the plot thickens, gentle reader, like a ripening seed! Rosemarys belly is hurting terribly all of the time - four months so far.Isnt being pregnant supposed to be good news? She wanted and wanted a baby, but her young husband Guy Woodhouse, failing actor, always said maybe later.Then, a lucky break! A five-room apartment becomes available at a surprisingly inexpensive rental

What shocks me most about reading Rosemary's Baby is what fantastic fiction it is. Published in 1967, this thriller by Ira Levin flew off shelves and was adapted to film in 1968 by Roman Polanski into not only a prestigious studio picture but one that stands the test of time as one of the best horror films ever produced. In an afterword penned in 2003 and included in this edition, Levin expresses surprise by how faithful the hit film was to his book--preserving virtually all of the characters

The horror of this book is not the devil, nor his baby-demon. The horror of this book is represented by the corrupt, deranged mortals who surround Rosemary, all of them led by Guy, her husband. He sold his wife's body for success. He drugged her, stood there and watched his wife being rapped by the devil.He stood there and watched her conceive the devil's child... and getting tortured by the creature inside her for months. And he stood there and watched while Rosemary was being used as a cow to

She opened her eyes and looked into yellow furnace-eyes, smelled sulphur and tannis root, felt wet breath on her mouth, heard lust-grunts and the breathing of onlookers.Nightmare? Passionate dream? Real? How could it be real? It cant possibly be real. Rosemary Woodhouse wants a baby. She is married to an actor named Guy. They have recently broken another lease to take an apartment in the exclusive Bramford Building. Guy, who glibly uses his acting skills to spin stories, has no difficulty

4.5 StarsI admit that I'm a little torn on what to rate this book, so I split the difference, although I'm really tempted to go all StarSearch™ up in this piece and do 4.75 stars. (Wait, did they have a 5 star rating system? No, I think it was only 4. Crap. Well, anyway, you get the point. That is, unless you're younger than me and don't even know what StarSearch is. In that case, you're a jerk, and go away.)Anyway, I'm torn because, having seen the movie before, I think that Roman Polanski

This is no dream, she thought. This is real, this is happening. Note to self and others: beware of overly friendly neighbours.This is amazing. At just over 200 pages, this novel takes you on a hell (excuse the pun) of a journey that you wont forget anytime soon. Levin has managed to make a novel so witty, and at the same time, so terrifying. In a way, the tone of this book is reminiscent of American Psycho (or rather American Psycho is reminiscent of this as it came out afterwards), but rather

3.5OH GOD 💔💔'

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